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Directions to the Warrior Retreat at Bull Run

The Retreat is located at 16013 Waterfall Road in Haymarket, VA 20169. A GPS will direct you north onto Rte 15 and left onto Waterfall Road. The turn into the Retreat driveway is much safer with the directions below.


Take Route I-66 west to exit 40. Turn left onto Route 15 south. At 2nd stop light, turn right onto Route 55/John Marshall Highway. Proceed approximately 1 mile and turn right onto Antioch road. Proceed 3.2 miles to the “T” intersection and turn right onto State Route 601/Waterfall Road. Proceed 0.8 miles to the entrance of the Retreat pictured below.


Caution:  Please note that we are in a rural area and be vigilant watching for wildlife driving to and from the retreat. 

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